Counting Of Induction Menstruation For Macps

Respected SAPOST viewers,
            This article is regarding the counting of induction preparation catamenia for MACPS.
In this connection, the next orders may endure referred.

1.     Directorate missive of the alphabet no 44-2/2011-SPB dt 5.5.2016
2.     DOPT OM no 16/16/89-Estt(Pay-I) dt 22.10.1990
3.     DOPT OM no 16/16/89-Estt(Pay-I) dt 31.3.1992
4.     Directorate missive of the alphabet no 4-7/(MACPS)/2009-PCC dt 18.9.2009
5.     Directorate missive of the alphabet no 4-7/(MACPS)/2009-PCC dt 23.6.2006
6.     Directorate missive of the alphabet no 4-7/(MACPS)/2009-PCC dt 2.7.2018

The counting of induction preparation catamenia for TBOP/BCR/MACPS is straightaway discussed everywhere.
Separate orders are issued inwards this regard on diverse dates every bit cited inwards the higher upwards references.

            Whether the catamenia of preparation is included for TBOP/BCR/MACPs is non the case. What is of import is that whether such induction preparation catamenia is counted for increment or not. Without going inwards to this vital resultant in that place are as well as so many questions regarding this issue. If whatever catamenia is counted for increment, it would automatically counted for the promotions/financial upgradations. Let us encounter the developments inwards these cases.

            As per the reference cited ii above, the induction preparation catamenia was ordered to endure counted for increment. This create goodness was extended to those officials who underwent preparation on or later 1.1.1986 as well as the create goodness was notional from 1.1.1986 to 30.9.1990 as well as on actual basis from 1.10.1990 vide reference three above. Those officials taste this create goodness of counting their induction preparation catamenia for increment. By virtue of this fact, this preparation catamenia is also counted for TBOP/BCR automatically.

            After a prolonged battle, this create goodness was extended to those officials who underwent preparation prior to 1.1.1986 vide communication cited 1 above. This is implemented inwards rattling few divisions, that likewise partially every bit mentioned inwards my previous article.
            As per Government of India’s orders (1) below FR 26, preparation catamenia earlier appointment on stipend or otherwise counts for increment.

            On the basis of the above, for those officials who underwent preparation on or later 1.1.1986, this catamenia should automatically counted for MACPS also. All the orders issued for MACPS to these officials should own got been issued past times counting the preparation catamenia for this MACPS, inwards every bit much every bit such preparation catamenia had already been counted for increment.  Any catamenia which counts for increment volition automatically counts for promotion.  As is the case, for these officials, since their preparation catamenia had already been ordered to endure counted for increment, this catamenia should endure counted for MACPS also, without whatever orders. In my opining no dissever orders are required inwards this regard.
            For those who underwent preparation prior to 1.1.1986, orders for counting their induction preparation catamenia for increment has been issued vide reference cited 1 above. Till such fourth dimension the create goodness could non endure extended every bit the catamenia of preparation had non been counted for increment. After the resultant of this corporation dated 5.5.2016 as well as clarification thereof, these officials are also entitled for counting the preparation catamenia for increment as well as consequently for TBOP/BCR/MACPS.

            The orders for MACPS as well as clarifications thereof had been issued vide references cited against 4,5 as well as 6. For these officials who underwent preparation prior to 1.1.1986, till 5.5.2016 in that place was confusion nearly the inclusion of preparation catamenia for TBOP/BCR/MACPs. After the resultant of the orders dated 5.5.2016, which extends the same create goodness of counting the induction preparation catamenia for increment on par amongst their counter parts trained on or later 1.1.1986, every official is entitled for this create goodness of counting such preparation catamenia for TBOP/BCR/MACPS, every bit the illustration may be.

            It is rattling of import that counting of preparation catamenia for increment as well as therefore for TBOP/BCR/MACP is only unlike from counting of such catamenia every bit qualifying service pension. Both are on only unlike footing. In the illustration of the quondam RTPs inwards whose illustration in that place is a interruption betwixt the catamenia of preparation as well as the engagement of appointment, this preparation catamenia volition endure counted for increment but non every bit qualifying service for pension. This is because, for pension, the service should endure continuous. It is suffice to add together hither that in that place are provisions to count such catamenia of preparation for pension which is out of compass of this article. Unless as well as until activity for condoning the interruption is issued, such preparation catamenia cannot endure taken every bit qualifying service for pension.

            To conclude, inwards my opinion, fifty-fifty inwards the absence of the three orders on MACPS, all the officials who underwent preparation on or later 1.1.1986 are eligible to count the preparation catamenia for MACPS on the forcefulness of orders dated 31.3.1992. Also those officials who underwent preparation prior to 1.1.1986 are eligible to count the preparation catamenia for MACPS on the forcefulness of orders dated 5.5.2016 as well as clarifications issued thereof.
            I promise activity volition endure taken at appropriate marking to include this catamenia of preparation for TBOP/BCR as well as MACPS.

            Thank you.

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